Sunday, April 22, 2012

Digital Storytelling

This week marked my 20 year anniversary as a video editor with Hallmark. Along with the technology, I've evolved professionally and it's been an amazing ride.  Linear analog tape based editing to digital nonlinear editing, Standard Definition to High Definition, tape to file-based media.

Let's just say, I have perspective on the medium.

Spent this weekend trying to flesh out a story idea for a Digital Storytelling workshop.  This "new" trend in video has been an interesting development in my world.  It's been fascinating and invigorating, not to mention unsettling to watch the creative community take ownership of what they once considered "New Media" or "Multimedia."  As the tools became software-based and still cameras (not to mention phones) shoot HD video, the cost of entry to video production and post-production became affordable to schools and artists. It's created a fresh perspective on the art and science of video.  I continue to ponder my role in this new community of artists.  I suppose my current role is to act as a guide and mentor to these young guns, while still maintaining my own artistic chops.  It's been a balancing act this year as I take on more leadership roles in addition to my work "on the boards."  I'm also trying to relax a little bit and appreciate the evolution these artists are undergoing in their own understanding of video.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Anew

Time to take a moment to appreciate the many new opportunities to work with people in new arenas of creativity expression.  Style guide and staging art direction for this summer's Retailer Meeting in Las Vegas has been a welcome break from the day to day work at the editing desk.  It's been a new experience to be able to adjust the creative before it hits in post-production.   I have a new appreciation for the logistics of setting the visual tone for a large conference and feel incredibly fortunate to be working with such a talented group of professionals.

This week is the National Association of Broadcasters meeting in Las Vegas, and I've been enjoying the stream of new technology and workflow developments that come from the amazing members of the Avid DS Users Group and from the various manufacturers I'm connected with online.  Instead of joining the excitement on the floor, this year I'm taking a couple of days of training in Adobe Premiere Pro here in KC.